jueves, 30 de mayo de 2013

My name is Katherine Asprilla'm thin production technologist in minor species ID 257671, is useful to know that as production technologists are minor species in the powers to take charge of a farm either: poultry, fish farming, beekeeping, hog, rabbit
My name is Katherine Asprilla'm thin production technologist in minor species ID 257671, expand nustro hacerca knowledge of all these species, breeds, crosses, lift, reproduction in if all activities involving the handling of minor species.
ZOOCRIA fundamental part in the conservation of protected species and violated in his Avvites,
  unmatched beauty, species used for ornament, marketing, and reproduction in repopulation, My name is Katherine Asprilla'm thin production technologist in minor species ID 257671

My name is Katherine Asprilla'm thin production technologist in minor species ID 257671

ZOOCRIA fundamental part in the conservation of protected species and violated in his Avvites,
  unmatched beauty, species used for ornament, marketing, and reproduction in repopulation


In this series of photographs donated by a good friend, we can see a number of animals that are part of animal breeding.
The animal breeding is human activity involving the handling of animals of wild species, under conditions of captivity or semi-captivity, in order that through the maintenance, growth or reproduction of individuals meet human demands or needs of science and conservation.

sábado, 11 de mayo de 2013

The  breeds and differences of Rabbits

breed of  rabbits ears falls  

CASHMERE LOP result of crossing of the Holland lop and English Angora.The similar aspect to Holland Lop but with hair of Angora. Requires daily brushing to keep the coat in good condition. The coat should be dense with much subhair  and hair more longs rounded body and flat face.

Weight: 2 kg There is also a small version of belier cashmere with a maximum weight of 1.5 kg and a giant version of a minimum weight of 4.5 kg.

colors (19): blue, brown, chinchilla, lynx, opal, squirrel, white dotted, blue-eyed white, chocolate, lilac, of white red  eyes, sable dotted, siamese sable, siamese smoke pearl, tortoise, beige, black and orange.

ENGLISH LOP: an of the race most striking , carry their lugs by dragging by ground and can reach 60/65 cm. from end to end. from end to end. Hugely docile is the ideal pet. It has the same varieties that the French Lop.

Average calving 6 rabbits.

Weight: Between 3.5 and 5 kg

FRENCH LOP:  result of crossing the English lop and Flemish Giant . of aspect corpulent and structure heavy

Existing varieties are: agouti, bankrupts, smooth, shaded. No is  verifies the varieties   Himalayan  ( dotted white).

Weighing between 4.5 and 5.5 kg.

Average calving: 5 rabbits

 Fuzzy lop: from body compact round and muscled and round head and flat face, scarcely have neck. result  crossings  of Holland Lops with English Spots and French Angora

Colors: (19) blue, chestnut, chinchilla, lynx, opal, squirrel, white dotted,white blue-eyed , chocolate, lilac,red white eyed , sable dotted, siamese sable, siamese smoke pearl, tortoise, beige, black and orange.

Weighing between 1.5 kg and 2 kg.

LOP GERMAN, GERMAN OR MINI LOP BELIER: the originals were agouti and white but originated new colors for this breed in the United States, the result of crosses with French and Chinchillas.DE Beliers sociable character.

colors: agouti, spotted, tricolor, white dotted, solid, shaded, marked, and broadband.

Weight: 2.5 to 3.5 kg.

HOLLAND LOP: Very lively and restless, intermediate size between dwarf and standard size.
Existing  the varieties are: agouti, broken, Himalayan, smooth shaded.

Weighing between : 1.5 kg and 2 kg.

Average calving 4  rabbits

LIONHEAD LOP OR EARS LION HEAD FALLS: developed from crosses between a Lionhead and Holland Lop. There are a variety of colors, up to 60 have been found.

Origin: Belgium, 1996

Weight: between 2 and 2.5 kg

 VELVETEEN LOP EAR FALLS OR VELVET: Race relatively new breed, began in the '90s. It's a cross between the English Lop and Mini Rex and as well Mini Dutch to make have the smallest breed. It can be considered a miniature version of Inglés Lop, but it has the velvety fur Rex. They have a temperament good and docile

weight: 2.5 kg

Giant Rabbits

CHECKERED GIANT: The body is white with marks all over her body that characterize it: a black mark on the butterfly-shaped nose, a circle around each eye,a  point in each cheek, black ears, a straight line down the spine and tail, and two  points large of color on each side of the body. They are temperamental and is easily  startled.

colors: Black, Blue.

weight: 6 kg.

FLEMISH GIANT O GIGANTE DE FLANDES: One of the giant breeds. The shoulders and body are long and strong. Races are one of the most peaceful and quiet.

colors: Black, blue, beige, light gray, sandy, steel gray, white.

weight 6.5 and  9 kg

Angora rabbit breed

ENGLISH ANGORA: From long hair silky and smooth by all the cuerpo.Son bred for their wool. Requires daily brushing as they are prone to be formed hair knots and swallowing too much hair and forming balls in the stomach. The smallest of the angora. They are quiet and docile but somewhat scary.
colors: white, black, blue, chocolate, beige, tortoise, chinchilla, sable, chestnut.

Weight: Between 2.5 and 3.5 kg.

Origin: Ankara, Turkey

FRENCH ANGORA: As the Angora Inglés  but without long hair on the head, ears neither front legs.  the Wool these rabbits can reach a length of 15 cm maximum.

 colors equal that the english and also the broken that is the combination of white with other color

Weight: 3 to 5 kg.

GIANT GIANT ANGORA ANGORA O: The largest angora, are basically English Angoras who have been selected and crossed to produce more wool. covered of long hair all over the body and head except the face .De very quiet character. Like all Angoras requires daily brushing of the coat. The wool length can reach 25 centimeters.

Weight: about 6kg.

color: white with red eyes.

ANGORA O ANGORA SATIN SATIN: Do not generate much wool as others  angora  but it is very appreciated by the brightness of his fur. Crossing Satin with French Angora.

colors: red, white, black, chocolate, blue, lilac, chinchilla, beige, brown and shell.

Origin: Canada created by Leopoldina Meyer

weight: 3.5 to 4 kg

breeds dwarf rabbit

SABLE SABLE or AMERICAN AMERICAN: The Sable is the result of mixing between chinchilla rabbits. The head, feet, ears, back and top of his tail are dark, similar to the color of the Siamese cat.  need to be brushed to encourage molting. Eyes ruby (red).

Weight: between 3 and 4.5 kg.

AMERICAN OR AMERICAN: longevity and strong. The American Blue color, is supposed to be the bluest of all blue rabbits.

Origin: Pasadena, California created by Lewis H. Salisbury in 1917

weight: between 4 and 4.5 kg

colors: white and blue. 


colors: reddish, black, cinnamon roasted and albino (white red-eyed).

Origin: Belgium

Weight: between 3.5 and 4kg

average calving: 4-8  rabbits

BEVEREN: The Beveren is a very old breed nineteenth century.

origin: beveren, near Antwerp, Belgium.

Weight: 4.5 kg

Colors: usually appears in color blue with gray eyes, but also in black with dark brown eyes, blue-eyed white, lilac, chocolate and dotted varieties.

BLANC DE HOTOT OR WHITE HOTOT: docile personality,

colors are all white, with dark brown eyes and circles blacks around

Origin: France created by Eugenie Bernhard in 1902

Weight: 3.5 and  5 kg

BRITANNIA PETITE: small, delicate and long, thin body is similar to a hare. It has long front legs. Descendants of small wild rabbits are active and curious and require toys and human interaction to prevent boredom.

colors: black, brown agouti, albino

Weight: 1 kg

CALIFORINIAN O CALIFORNIAN: The Californian rabbit has straight ears. Vibrant black on the legs, nose, ears and tail. They are quiet character. It is the result of crossing the Chinchilla, Himalayan and New Zealand.Creado in 1950.

Weight: 3 and 5 kg.

Colors:  All are white and nose, ears and tail can be black, chocolate, blue or lilac.

CHAMPAGNE D'ARGENT: are characterized by silvery fur. When  birth are black and little by little is returns silver plating. Only the nose, ears and around the eyes continues being more darker. From quiet and attentive character.

colors: Standard. All are of  bluish white with longer black hairs, giving a silvery appearance.

Weight: between 4.5 and 5 kg

CHINCHILLA: The root of the coat is blue followed by a white coating  Followed in the tip by a thin black layer. They are quiet and attentive nature. exist  giant the version as the  American and standard

 Origin: France, created by M. J. Dybowski

colors: Chinchilla. The color resembles a real chinchilla with a white and black colored wavy surface.

Weight: 2 and 3 Kg

CINNAMON or CINNAMON: The body is tan and gray smoke the back. The belly is a darker gray. The face, ears, feet, legs and tail are colored dark gray or black. It's usually pretty quiet.

colors: Standard. cinnamon

Origin: Montana, 1960

Weight: 4 to 5 kg.

CRÈME D'ARGENT: Characterized by its cream-colored fur with a bright orange. The belly is white, and the nose and the morro are of a more intense orange than the rest of the body. From quiet and attentive character.

colors: Standard. Color cream.

weight: between 4 and 4.5 kg.

DUTCH: Characterized by its fur, which divides the body into halves: white chocolate or white with black primarily, although there are also blue and gray.

 Origin: Holland.

colors: white with chocolate, black, blue and gray.

Weight:  1.5 Kg. and 3 Kg

Average calving 6 rabbits

HOTOT DWARF: Dwarf breed, is characterized by the circle of black fur around the eye. Curious and playful personality.

Origin: Germany 1970.

colors: black and chocolate

Weight: 1 to 1.5 kg.
Average calving 3 rabbits

ENGLISH SPOT: Characterized by their coat markings. The body is white with a mark on the butterfly-shaped nose, a spot on each cheek, in circles around each eye, colored ears, a line with ragged edges down the spine, above color tail, a chain of dots on cubit each, and a point on each side and the back of each hind foot. The body is long and arched. It is quite thin, and legs are long

Weight: between 3 and 3.5 kg.

colors: black, blue, chocolate, gold, gray, lilac, white and spotted turtle.

FLORIDA WHITE: The body is short and rounded. The hair is short. Character is peaceful.

weight: 2 to 3 kg

colors: Standard: albino white ruby-eyed

HARLEQUIN OR JAPANESE: Its features are the coat cinched yellow and black / white and black and his face bicolor. The distribution of colors on the back and in the face has huge amount of combinations.

They are divided into two groups, Japanese and magpie, and within these groups, in turn there are four varieties of colors: black, blue, chocolate and lilac.

Weight: Between 2.5 and 3.5 kg.

Average calving: 8 rabbits

HAVANA: short and rounded body, the pelaje is soft and dense and of a dark color  intense. a tanquilas races. Very good as a pet.

origin: Netherlands, 1898.

colors: black, blue, chocolate

Weight: 2,5 - 4 kg.


Origin: Himalayan Mountains. has snout, ears and black legs but can also be brown or blue. The eyes are always red.

colors: black, blue, chocolate and lilac.

Also known by other names as Chinese, Russian, Egyptian and nose black .

Weight: 2.5 kg.

WOOLY JERSEY: Race Shaggy. It is a very docile animal and only requires a weekly brushing to maintain the beauty of its coat.

Colors: agouti, smooth, shading, and such.

Weight: between 1 and 1.5 kg

Average calving 4 rabbits

LILAC: well appreciated for its soft fur and pinkish gray-blue eyes, for his emotional temperament. The rabbits are shown overprotective with their newborns.

Origin: United kingdom 1913.

Weight: Between 2.5 and 3.5 Kg

LION HEAD  OR LIONHEAD :  that characterizes  him is a band of longer hair around the face and neck, like a lion, hence its  name.

Origin: Belgium

Weight: about 1.5 Kg.

NETHERLAND DWARF OR DUTCH DWARF: Dwarf race, differ from the Polish by having rounded head.

Origin: Netherlands

Colors: smooth shading and agouti.

Weight: 0.5 to 1 kg.

Average calving 2 rabbits.

NEW ZEALAND OR KIWI: One of the most delightful breeds, docile and loving.

Origin: New Zealand

colors: white, black, blue and red.

Weight: between 4 and 5.5 kg.

PALOMINO: his personality is quiet and friendly. The top hair is glossy, and undercoat has a lighter color, cream or white.

origin: Washington

weight: between 3.5 and 4.5 kg

colors: Lynx (orange) and Golden (gold).

POLISH OR POLISH: another of the three dwarf breeds are characterized by a blue-eyed white variety. Very sociable.

Origin: England.

Colors: black, blue, chocolate, blue-eyed white and ruby eyed white.

Weight: between 0.5 and 1.5 kg

Average calving 3 rabbits

REX:  colorcast  highlighted by his fur, soft to the touch, due to the existence of undercoat.

Colors: black, blue, broken, Himalayan, beaver, chinchilla, chocolate, lilac, lynx, red, sables and whites. In Europe it brood for fur and meat.

Weighing between 3 and 4 kg.

Average calving 6 rabbits

Rhinelander RABBIT THE RHINE: with ears, nose and sorroundings   eye area manchados.Además  a line of  spots ran down his spine.

colors: and white with black reddish spots and dark brown eyes, and white with yellow spots but with blue eyes.

Weight: 3 to 4.5 Kg.

SATIN OR SATIN: The Satin comes from a chocolate Havana mutation. Your hair is thin and translucent making it  reflected light and produce a unique gloss.

colors: black, blue, Californian, chinchilla, chocolate, copper, red, Siamese, white and speckled

Weight: Between 4 and 4.5 kg

MARTA SILVER OR SILVER MARTEN: Chinchillas result of crossing and Tan to get the color black. the  Chocolates have a tendency discolor. The sabers the of  coat color darkening  will each  successive   molt . In the picture we see a copy blue blue-gray eyes.

colors: black, blue, chocolate and sable.

Origin: United States, 1920

Weight: Between 2.5 and 3.5 Kg.

SILVER OR SILVER: small and rare breed. The silvery reflection that gives the name to this colorcast , is the most important aspect. The beige combines very peculiar way the colors gold and silver. His whole body is covered with this reflex silver, including the head, ears, legs and tail.

colors: black, brown and beige

Weight: 1.5 to 2.5 kg.

SILVER OR SILVER FOX FOX: Characterized by rich color and pungent. Their fur is long, thick  as the of  a  fox and with  silver  highlights. . This breed was near extinction during some peaceful character años.De adapt to any climate and sudden changes in temperature alos.

colors: black and blue

Weight: 2.5 to 3.5 kg

TAN OR ROASTED: the color original the Tan was black. chocolate Tan comes  from a cross between a black Tan  and a  chocolate Havana  . The Tan lila was developed by a cross between chocolate and blue.

colors: black, blue, chocolate, lilac.

Origin: England 1887

Weight: 2 to 2.5 kg.

hrianta: result of crossing races Tan  havana english spot. Noted for its orange color, the most intense of all races. Recognized as a breed in 1971. By its color is known as "the fiery red rabbit".

Origin: Holland 1940 created by H. Andrea Assen

Weight: about 2.5 kg

colors: reddish dark brown eyes