is done to avoid lessons between the goat and the operator (worker)
Dehorning goats is done so that the goats do not go so fast and there are lessons including:
The bore is
used to compplement the animals diet.
Identification of the sheds.
registration of pigs is done to keep track on the farm.
Larval food flies, feed for hens.
Manure used
to fertilize our garden.
Concentrated plant hopper.
A solar panel
is a device that uses the energy of solar radiation.
for boots at the entrance to a shed.
The records
of laying hens are to track farm production.
They are
called lentils and serves to supplement the chickens.
different kinds of pig breeds that adapt to hot climates.
This is a
lombricultivo that serves as dual purpose: 1 meal worms for the chickens and 2
manure for fertilizer of plants.
This is a
record of the rabbit breeding farm.
Scale to weigh
ranging pigs to be sold or pregnant sows.

You should look at the importance to the food handling course.
Mi name is Neiffy Liseth Ochoa production technologist minor species ID 257671 it is very interes ting to have a good hygiene to process dairy and meat products.